I wanted to share articles based on research about learning French. When considering French Immersion or Extended French, asking yourself the following questions can help you decide:
1.When did my child start learning French?
2.Does my child struggle with learning his or her first language?
3.How does my child feel about learning French?
4.Does my child have learning difficulties?
5.How will I support my child's French language development at home?
6.What are the differences between the Extended and Immersion French Programs?
7.As a parent, what are my reasons for choosing a particular French Program for my child?
8.What is the recommendations from my child's French teacher?
9.Are grades what is most important? (grades vs. french language acquisition)
10.Do I value learning French and do I make time to model this for my child?
11.Is my decision to choose Extended or Immersion French based on social or academic (or both) needs?
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